Thursday, April 3, 2008

The New Girl Has Left The Building...Permanently

Alright, so you all know about my extreme difficulty coping with the evilness of the new girl.

You know that feeling you get, when everyone in your pharmacy is like family. Hell, you spend more time with them than your actual family! Well, lets say, you get an inlaw...the completely bizarre inlaw. The one that you try to avoid at family reunions, and you almost want to divorce just so they get out of your family.

That's my new girl....

Well....she's gone now. Broke down in tears for the four hundreth time yesterday and has been terminated. She couldnt hack it.

I did a little dance when one of the girls i work with called me to brag that she saw it all.

I was shattered that I had only been gone for like 30 mins. They should have called me while it was happening. I live 2 mins away. I'd have been there in a heartbeat.

They took her picture off the the pharmacist surrendered it to me. I drew alllll fricking over it. Blacked out her eyes, drew a spike collar on her, tears pouring down her face.
I know, I know. Karma.

I donated money TWICE today (once to a church going on a mission trip and again to a little girls softball team going to peewee championships)...i think karma and I are even.

Anyways, it was pretty nice today to talk about her openly with no one whispering.
Seriously, if you had to work with would have talked about her as well. Trust me. It would have been hard not to.

We have this one guy we work with, refuses to say a mean thing about anyone. (except me...we have a love hate relationship. im pathetically in love with him, and we're really good friends. customers think we're married because we bicker like we've been together for years. lol)
And he was talking crazy shit on her today when he found out she was fired.

Alright, I'm off to sleep. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?

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