Thursday, April 3, 2008

The New Girl Has Left The Building...Permanently

Alright, so you all know about my extreme difficulty coping with the evilness of the new girl.

You know that feeling you get, when everyone in your pharmacy is like family. Hell, you spend more time with them than your actual family! Well, lets say, you get an inlaw...the completely bizarre inlaw. The one that you try to avoid at family reunions, and you almost want to divorce just so they get out of your family.

That's my new girl....

Well....she's gone now. Broke down in tears for the four hundreth time yesterday and has been terminated. She couldnt hack it.

I did a little dance when one of the girls i work with called me to brag that she saw it all.

I was shattered that I had only been gone for like 30 mins. They should have called me while it was happening. I live 2 mins away. I'd have been there in a heartbeat.

They took her picture off the the pharmacist surrendered it to me. I drew alllll fricking over it. Blacked out her eyes, drew a spike collar on her, tears pouring down her face.
I know, I know. Karma.

I donated money TWICE today (once to a church going on a mission trip and again to a little girls softball team going to peewee championships)...i think karma and I are even.

Anyways, it was pretty nice today to talk about her openly with no one whispering.
Seriously, if you had to work with would have talked about her as well. Trust me. It would have been hard not to.

We have this one guy we work with, refuses to say a mean thing about anyone. (except me...we have a love hate relationship. im pathetically in love with him, and we're really good friends. customers think we're married because we bicker like we've been together for years. lol)
And he was talking crazy shit on her today when he found out she was fired.

Alright, I'm off to sleep. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Update on the new girl...and my sickness.

Well, I had my first experience at Urgent Care on Thursday afternoon. That was a blast.

Let's see the process...

Walk in door, use hand sanitizer.

Take clipboard with number on the top of it, fill out the general info.
*name, dob, address, social, signature for HIPAA*
Use hand sanitizer.

Sit in a completely packed waiting room for 30 mins while anxiously anticipating your number to be called. Use hand sanitizer each time the nasty, smelly, medicaid abusing person next to me sneezes. I wanted to squirt it up my noooooose.

Finally get called to the stupid window. Speak to a nurse who looks as if she's been raped with the ugly stick...then beaten with a few good bouts of the crud. Get three more pieces of paper to fill out. Use more hand sanitizer when I've returned to my chair...

Sit for another HOURRRRR...just waiting for them to call me to the back.

The nurse who helped me in the back was absolutely fabulous. Possibly the nicest person Ive ever met in my life. She writes down all my symptoms and then leaves me.

The doctor comes in about thirty minutes later. Seriously, I understand it's busy. But there's four other doctors and two Nurse Practitioners.

He listens to my lungs, writes two Rx's and walks out the door.

That's it.

What the fuck?


And in regards to the new girl. She has reached a new level of weird, psychotic, and completely tragic.

I'm sitting in a chair minding my own business, eating lunch...and she sits on my lap and says "Omg, I want a Malibu Barbie, and a pony..."
At which point in time, I look at her and say "get the hell off of me"


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

If I spray pure rubbing alcohol on my hands one more time...they're likely to fall off.

Ahhhh...the joy of working in a pharmacy...

The hack.

The cough.

The tightening chest.

The rolling over in bed in the morning and groaning because you know eighty people are going to yell, cuss, cough on you, basically just be ASSHOLES.

If one more person hands me a prescription and answers me with "NOW!" for the pick-up time, I cannot be held responsible for what I may do or say.

Onto other matters, I fully understand that it takes a while to learn a pharmacy computer system. I fully understand that it may be difficult to some people that the concept of "Name. D/O/B. Address" can take a few weeks to learn....but DAMN.

We have recently hired a new girl to replace one of my fave fellow techs while she's on maternity leave, but it's going to be pretty hard to do. She's like talking to a brick wall.

You know the kind of people that you try to avoid as much as possible because they're soooo fricking weird?
That's her, without a doubt.
She says the most off the wall stuff that would BLOW YOUR MIND. The kind of stuff that as soon as you hear it, everyone in listening range turns towards one another and makes this "raised eyebrows, eyes bug out, grotesque facial expression" to signify to one another that she's possibly the most ridiculous person on the planet and should never be allowed to speak again.

And the thing that absolutely makes me want to breathe fire each time she does it....
She takes a rx from drivethru, brings it over to drop off...waves it within an inch or two of my face and says "HOW LONG WILL THIS TAKE???"

I want to break her hand.

I have two of the most amazingly wonderful and nice pharmacists on the planet who will go out of the way for anyone, and THEY LOOOOOOOOOATHE HER.
Makes me quite happy to know I'm not alone.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Possibly the worst day ever...and I havent even been to work yet....

Ah...the joys of having a shitty fricking day.

I go to sleep around 3:30 am due to the fact that I am sadly and pathetically obsessed with Big Brother and have signed up for the live online feed. Scoff at me. Laugh. I dont give a damn.
I have to awaken at 8 to get ready for work. Little do I know, that for some reason God has it out for me and decided I shouldnt fall asleep until around 5:30.

I wake up finally, walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice. I move towards one of my six cats to pet it good morning. It falls off the couch, slides to the floor. Begins dragging itself across the floor with it's front paws, it's hind legs just dragging behind it. At this point, I of course begin freaking out. I call my pharmacist to let her know that I may be a little late, Ill have to drop beloved kitty off at the vet. I call my stepfather (whom I live with) and tell him what's going on. He is yelling at me like *I* beat the cat, and I'm the reason it "has a broken back and will have to be put to sleep"
Ummmm...not quite. So me and kitty load up in the car and head off to the vets office.

Apparently, it had a thrombo emboli. A blood clot became trapped between 2 blood vessels and made her lose all blood and oxygen flow to the back portion of her body. Essentially, from mid back to her tail, she was dead. She'd have no quality of life, and would need to be put to sleep.
I had been crying since 9 am this morning, and have barely stopped yet.

THEN, I wallet has been stolen, I have split ends, and I'm dreading going to work today because our lead tech is out sick. My pharmacist and I had a very serious conversation yesterday evening regarding the attitudes of certain other technicians at our store.
I can't wait to hear that outcome....only thing I am looking forward to.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy <3 Day...get your lady some Viagra for V-day!

Ahhh...the joys of working Valentines Day.

Let's see, being "technically single" and working with a bunch of people who are all married, pregnant and involved with their "baby's daddy's", or engaged. Makes me throw up a little inside. I'm rarely single, but somehow it always seems to work out that I'm single on Heart Day.
Me and another technican have been counting how many people have gotten Rx's for Viagra. It's been 3 hrs and we're up to five. This sucks. We were anticipating much more. Darn erectile dysfunction.

Let's see...the retarded pharmacy story of the day....
"Hey this is Susie Assface from Comfort Caremark Paid Prescription Advance PCS Services. I have you on a conference call with Ms. Debra McBitch. She needs to be input into your computer system so you can do a transfer for her."

*Ummm...okay. Do you have XYZ information?*

Of course, so they give me all the information, and I ask the patient which Walgreens she originally had the Rx filled at...she has no fricking idea. Doesnt have the bottle, anything. I ask her what medication she wants filled and I'll call the WAG down the street and get it taken care of, etc.

#180 Brand name Vicodin HP ( as a 30 days supply )

*HAH!* I want to laugh in her face. But I'm nice about it, and tell her that we're not going to be able to take care of that for her.
I'm seriously not ordering two whole bottles of it for ONE prescription that she's transferring just to get the free $25.00 gift card. She's lost her mind.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i hate stupid fuckheads...

wow. i cant believe it's been this long since ive posted.
sorry about that.

my favorite story of the week goes as such:

there's a crackhead...we'll call him richard. he loves his alprazolam. he wants to marry his xanax and have little ADD meth addicted children with it okay? richard calls the store on mondayish...requesting us to fax his dr for a refill. we, of course, do so immediately. he calls every 3-4 hours for the next two days. we give the whole "the dr's office generally requires at least a 24-48 hr wait period on control substances, so just be patient and give them a call" speech.

the next day...he comes up to the counter, demanding to know why it hasnt been filled yet. once again with the "dr's office hasnt called back yet" speech. (i swear it's like deja vu' everytime he calls)

we tell him we cant fill it until the dr calls. he wants us to loan him some til then. "hah!" i almost laughed in his face...but i just settled for spitting my water all over the computer screen. he immediately, without missing a beat asks for us to fill his wife's rx for alprazolam. mhmmmm...ill consider it....nope. wont do. then he gets really pissy. starts ranting.

"It's not for me! It's for my wife!!"

(In Pharmacy Slave's mind...*riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. and my mother is Hillary Clinton*)

my wonderful, spectacular, amazing pharmacist calls the Dr. and gets the scoop. apparently, he and his wife are in the middle of a divorce, and she had NO clue he's been filling her xanax and taking it. both dr's offices for the each of them are currently discharging them and all of their rx's have been voided/discontinued.

needless to say, mr. richard full-of-sunshine-and-happiness wasnt too pleased when my pharmacist told him that we knew what was goin on.

"Fuck you, stupid stuck up bitch!" he directs to my absolutely awesome pharmacist.

thankfully he has been banished from the store, forever and ever and ever.

until, he came through the drive thru the other night...and stupid dumbass pharmacist from hell...filled a xanax rx from the hospital thinking it was allright because it was from another doctor.....he just wanted the script count....dickface.